Heard of the phrase, “nothing tastes as good as skinny feels”. Thanks for the advice but we like our crisps, pizza and beer and not all of us have your will to stay thin. By the time we touch our thirties, the majority of us probably wish we were a few pounds lighter. By then, we’re often working hard long hours, eating nutritionally incredible food on the go and easing over a pint or three. And that’s without even considering how family life and social responsibilities cut into our precious gym time. 

People usually step into a shop, sit down, and they are shown lovely, alluring clothes. Choosing among the numerous pieces is the real problem for most. This is what bigbanana calls a first-world problem in the plus-size mens clothing world. You would relate to the following account from a plus-sized man. 

“Choice is an extravagance that I can’t afford. And, what’s with the cost, folks? How am I supposed to dress with all those rent-a-house-in-a-metro prices? It is almost as if the textile industry is punishing me for not shedding those extra kilos. So, I begin by peeping into the shop and asking if they house clothes that fit me. I feel apologetic asking for a dress my size. I’ve gone from asking for ready-made clothes to asking for semi-stitched materials. The most painful moments in my life are the few seconds that follow when I inquire if a shop stocks dress of my size. Some give me a melancholy smile; the others give me a judgmental look; some look me up and down brazenly to decide how many Xs does my body type demand before the ‘L’. The others are very straight or plain rude depending on how you put it with a “No, madam; we don’t sell plus-size”; some are hopeful with a “Let’s see if we can find anything” while the others are embarrassed on my behalf.” 

We at bigbanana believe that Plus-sized casuals are a new trend followed by many from Jonah Hill to Justin Bieber. Cool sunglasses, a loose t-shirt and xxxl joggers and your dashing summer look is on. And if ordinary people can sport such looks, why should plus-sized men lag behind. People seem to prefer them not only for that fresh look, but they don’t mind the comfort of the casual style. The days of tight, uncomfortable clothing are gone and on comes the days of comfortable casual clothes. bigbanana offers a variety of these plus-sized clothes in India. You can shop for big men’s clothing online on our store.