To put it simply: Henleys are the unstoppable workhorse of shirts. And we don't just say that because of their old-school vibe, but because they can be worn in a ton of different ways, with a ton of different stuff, and give you the added benefit of instant sex appeal.


Reason -1 

It's the easiest shirt to travel in—not pretentious, not too casual, just straight up comfortable.



Been hitting the gym lately? Nothing shows off your hard work better than a henley. Especially now that beach season is in our rear-view.




They drives the best Casual Appeal, All time favorite.


Have non? Get some from bigbanana. Have one? Get another from bigbanana.

This is our official plea that you give your beloved T-shirts and polos a rest and let the henley step in for a second. If you need more reasoning do let us know and our stylist will get in touch with you to make you more awesome.