Mens plus size clothing online India | bigbanana

The best place for plus size men’s clothing online in India

There was a line in a famous superhero movie “Deadpool 2”: Have you ever seen a plus sized superhero? (the dialogue was much more explicit). However, the movie was a comedy, this line speaks a harsh reality that most of us have just laughed on and moved ahead in our lives. Yes, it is the unfortunate truth of the postmodern world that is often considered as being very accepting of all kinds of people, that plus-sized individuals are still marginalized and quite openly discriminated against.

It is sad to see that it’s the fashion industry that left a sect of its customers behind to be the victims of “So called healthy jests”. It was supposed to serve people, irrespective of their size, color and race. But plus sized men keep on suffering. However, that is hardly the case. Historically the fashion industry has been accused of suffering from systemic racism, sexism, and even homophobia. It has designed clothes that are decisively and persistently offensive against certain groups of people. The skeletons in the fashion industry’s closet are not really pretty as they seem on the outside. While this nauseating open discrimination has been significantly reduced in the past couple of decades, there is one group of people that still have to suffer this injustice, plus-sized individuals, especially plus sized men.

The world is changing rapidly in the 21st century and people are becoming a lot more sensitive and careful about the feelings of others and even the fashion industry has done so by designing a gender neutral and feminist clothing but their sense of care and responsibility towards the public automatically vanishes when it to plus sized individuals.

Things must change and finally, there is a company in India that is willing to lead this plus size fashion revolution—bigbanana. 

Bigbanana - The best online store for plus size men’s clothing

bigbanana is an online store for plus size mens clothing in India that has the potential to transform the Indian fashion scene and allow plus size individuals to finally experience the joy of finding clothes that fit them without compromising on style. It is a fashion website that is unlike any other. bigbanana believes in giving plus size men the respect they are owed and vehemently claims that “Big is Awesome!”

If one is looking for plus size mens clothing online in India, they couldn’t wish for a better website than bigbanana. All of bigbanana’s plus size men's clothing items are stylish, cool and trendy so that plus-sized individuals can look just as good—if not better—than their slim bodied counterparts. With their plus size clothing in India, they are sending a clear message to the mainstream fashion industry—that plus-sized men are tired of waiting and now have a far better place for all their fashion shopping.

mens plus size clothing online India

Trendy plus size clothing online in India | bigbanana

Just imagining a world without body shaming is the only joy for many of us big people. While most of us not face body shaming as explicitly as others but it’s always there in the subtleties of everyday life or the world has pushed us to a point where all we see is people judging us on our body types. We often feel the outcasts of clothing industry because we most often fail to find the clothing we want and when we find them, they fit poorly, like they just forget how to make clothes when it comes to plus sized men. This all makes us wish for a world where a man could go in night clothes to a date, could attend a meeting in baggy joggers and world where the word “Fat” doesn’t exist. But we are far from that world. In reality, people judge us on our looks and the kind of clothes that we wear, and it makes “Style” and “Fashion” somewhat important. Dressing well is important. Unfortunately, the industry whose primary function is to make sure everyone looks as good as they possibly can often fail to get plus size clothing right.

The massive flaw of almost never getting the plus size clothing right is probably the most inconsiderate act of fashion industry. This has made thousands and thousands of plus-sized men to spend hours upon hours going from store to store, website after website just so they find one 7-XL T-Shirt or plus size formal shirts that fit them perfectly.

Fashionable plus size clothing online India:

Well, let’s dive in the world of “Big men’s clothing” online, where brands like bigbanana are only sewing for us big men. They’ve carefully crafted, with consultancy from independent designers, to create an impressive catalogue of 7xl t shirts, 6xl t shirts, plus size Henley t-shirts, plus size joggers and so much more. They are at the forefront of a fashion revolution that has the potential to shake the entire fashion and clothing industry of India. Finding a 7XL or 6XL t-shirt in India is not a herculean task anymore. Unlike other clothing brands, they do not believe that XXL people come only in big heights.

Bigbanana possibly has the biggest catalogue full of plus size clothing in India since it serves solely to plus sized men and their need to find the perfect clothes. You’ll never feel left out again, you will never again feel the desire to go to any other website or store to buy your clothing. The brand has worked hard to get it right for every one of us plus sized men out there and even harder to present this wonderful collection and working towards removing the stigma of being plus size by creating clothing that shows that being a big boy is no hindrance to look dapper!

Plus size clothing in India

bigbanana is all about XXXL magnificence!

It’s almost an axiomatic fact that none of us really lead a perfect life. Our tumultuous lives are shaped, perhaps aggravated, by the perceptions of others shaped by our shape. Plus size clothing for men is a rather touchy, stigmatized matter. Friends do not really flinch or really consider one’s sensitivities when they poke fun at a guy’s weight. Heck, even closed loved ones don’t pull back their punches when they lace every other remark with a hint that you’re fat which is equivalent to being undesirable. Let’s get intimate with the ultimate pet peeve: basically not being able to get your hands on clothes you can be comfortable in. You deserve to be embraced for who you are, by both the people you hang around and the XXXL t-shirt that you adorn with unbridled pride.

Where the clothes at?

Psychologically, in the wake of all this weighing you down, it’s already difficult to move your derriere and go to a store to bag yourself one of those smashing big sized t-shirts some chum of yours was wearing the other day and which you must've also seen on an online store. You have to face dejection when you find out that any fashionable plus size clothing in India, let alone that of the aforementioned nature, is pretty much absent from any of those fancy stores your peers hang around. Now you aren’t gonna just put up with it and wear clothes that don’t fit or just saunter about unclad, right? Even if you decide that going to the gym and pulling your weight about there is the solution to your problems, it’s not akin to cooking a packet of ready made noodles nor will it magically turn your present garbs into plus size clothing for men, a necessity so rarely catered to by the Indian marketplace that it starts feeling like a luxury. What’s the obvious solution then? You must wear clothes that fit you in the meantime, duh.

So what’s the fix?

Well, it’s the 21st century. The internet has opened up avenues previously unfathomable, even in India. So the rare beast of plus size men’s clothing in India doesn’t seem to be quite as obscure as it used to be a while back. This is where bigbanana comes in. Finding affordable, trendy plus size clothing online in India has never been easier! Now you can tug at a few buttons to find a range of plus size clothing for men, from crisp Polo round neck t-shirts to funky plus size jeans, to the plus size version of the Henley neck T-shirt we were talking about earlier, bigbanana is the one-stop online shop for all plus size clothing you’d need.

The prospect of looking for clothes that fit doesn’t seem so daunting anymore now, does it? bigbanana believes that finding XXXL t-shirts online, or even offline for that matter, should be as rewarding and normal for the big boys as much as it is for those who belong to the conventional weight class. Now you wouldn’t have to hold back on the swankiness and let your style quotient out there to the talking! That’s how we at bigbanana want you to feel: confident and comfortable in your own skin.


Bigbanana plus size Indian fashion revolution

Bigbanana and the Indian Fashion Revolution

“I wish this was available in my size”- Said No Slim Individual.

No, the above statement is the one that has become almost an exclusive to plus-sized individuals and it is rather disgusting.

The global fashion industry has been around for over a century and all that time they have discriminated against plus-sized individuals quite shamelessly. This is rather ironic since, during the time the fashion industry was rising, a lot of their founders and financier were themselves plus sized individuals.

This discrimination is quite horrible for people who must go through it and the fact that there is a real absence of outrage over this issue probably hurts twice as bad. Imagine falling in love with a design and then finding out it isn’t available in your size, awful right? Now imagine every design you have ever liked is never available in your size and the whole scenario becomes nightmarish.

Times change, fashion industry’s attitude doesn’t

The world is changing rapidly in the 21st century and people are becoming a lot more sensitive and careful about the feelings of others and even the fashion industry has done so by designing gender neutral and feminist clothing but their sense of care and responsibility towards the public automatically vanishes when it to plus sized individuals.

Things must change and finally, there is a company in India that is willing to lead this fashion revolution—bigbanana.

bigbanana:- The best place for plus size men’s clothing online in India

bigbanana is an online store for plus size clothing in India that has the potential to transform the Indian fashion scene and allow plus size individuals to finally experience the joy of finding clothes that fit them without compromising on style. It is a fashion website that is unlike any other. bigbanana believes in giving plus size men the respect they are owed and vehemently claims that “Big is Awesome!”

If one is looking for plus size men’s clothing online in India, they couldn’t wish for a better website than bigbanana. All bigbanana’s plus size men's clothing items are stylish, cool and trendy so that plus-sized individuals can look just as good—if not better—than their slim bodied counterparts. With their plus size clothing in India, they are sending a clear message to the mainstream fashion industry—that plus-sized men are tired of waiting and now have a far better place for all their fashion shopping.

Check out their website and see their awesome catalog for yourself.

plus size polo tshirt in India

Respect, Plus Size Clothing and Men

There are some fundamental rights and freedoms that should be afforded to everyone, especially if they are living in a democracy. One such right is the right to live with respect. What this basically means is that everyone who is a law-abiding citizen should be able to live a life where they are shown a reasonable amount of respect irrespective of their skin color, caste, creed, body type or religion.

Unfortunately, it is the sad truth of our reality that this is not the case at all and there is a significantly large group of people who have been denied this respect in nearly every aspect of their lives.

Studies have shown that plus sized people get bullied a lot more than their skinny counterparts in both their academic and professional lives. This is especially ironic when it in the professional life as a lot of companies have plus sized individuals in their top management. While these people may be in a position of power, they still the subject of tasteless back bitching from both their peers and subordinates.

But this is just the start of their troubles, there is one industry that has shown such a complete lack of respect for plus-sized individuals, it is absurd. This is the fashion and clothing industry.

The discrimination by the fashion industry

Clothing is a basic need. In fact, clothing makes up a third of “Roti, Kapda, Makan”. This is the fact that really makes the difficult that plus-sized individuals, especially men, must face when trying to buy clothes so sickening.

The fashion industry has been purposely ignoring plus-sized men for so long that even the “cool” new fashion brands have fallen victim to this systematic discrimination. Online stores aren’t any better when it comes to this either. Trying to buy plus size men’s clothing online in India can prove to be a herculean task. Even finding a plus size men’s clothing store can prove to be a bigger obstacle than anyone should have to face. The needs to be an immediate change to this situation and there is one website that is trying it’s best to shopping plus size clothing online for men a lot easier.

bigbanana:-  the best place for plus size clothing online for men

bigbanana is probably the best store for plus size men’s clothing online in India. It is a fashion website that is unlike any other. bigbanana believes in giving plus size men the respect t they are owed and vehemently claims that “Big is Awesome!”

bigbanana has played a huge role in making shopping for plus size clothing online for men a far better and easier experience. Designing such awesome plus size clothing that you will never have to find yourself looking for another plus size men’s clothing store. So, check out the amazing catalog on their website and get ready to buy plus size men’s clothing online in India.

Bigbanana round neck tshirt

The Problem of Plus Size fashion in India

Fashion is fabulous. There are lots of judgmental people who think that being fashionable is stupid and it just shows that one is a very materialistic human being. To quote a fictional lawyer from a famous Bollywood movie, “Kon hain ye log? Kaha se aate hain ye log”.  These people are obviously oblivious to the wonder and joy fashion can bring to the lives of people because let's get one thing straight, fashion is not stupid, and being fashionable is awesome!

Living in a democracy, we have the right to choose what we wear and as such, our clothes can tell people a lot about ourselves. First impressions matter and there is a reason why people tend to wear their best clothes when going out on a date with a person are really into.

Everyone should have a choice when it comes to what type of clothes they choose to cover their bodies with but unfortunately, that is not the case. Certain groups of people have had this choice taken away from them because of the social pressure they must face but there is one group of people who must endure this fate because of a particularly pathetic reason. There are the plus sized individuals and their right to being fashionable has been taken away, rather ironically, by the fashion industry itself.

The deplorable state of plus size fashion in India

The state of plus size clothing in India is rather unfortunate. The Indian fashion all but ignores this rather significantly many people in favor of designing and marketing clothes only to skinny or lean individuals. Plus, sized clothing in India from any brand is at best, a rarity and at worst, totally nonexistent.

Even the online fashion stores that have revolutionized how people shop haven’t been kind to plus sized individuals. Finding plus size clothing online in India is just as difficult and frustrating as it’s offline counterpart. The state of plus size fashion in India must change and there is one company that has made this very task its sole reason to exist.

bigbanana: - The one stop shop for plus size clothing in India

bigbanana is quite possibly the best online store for plus size fashion in India. It is a fashion website that is unlike any other. bigbanana challenges the prevailing status quo and vehemently believes that “Big is Awesome!”

bigbanana has played a huge role in making shopping for plus size clothing online in India a far better and easier experience. Designing some of the best plus size fashion in India, they are doing their part in improving the lives of thousands of plus-sized Indians. They are working for a future when the biggest plus size clothing problem in India is the overabundance of choice. 

The problem of discrimination in the fashion industry

The problem of discrimination in the fashion industry

“Have you ever seen a plus sized superhero?” This was a question thrown by the best superhero movie of this year, Deadpool 2.

While the movie is mostly a comedy, it’s exploration of the theme of how plus sized individuals are discriminated against is quite fascinating and its parallels with the real world are hard to miss.

Yes, it is the unfortunate truth of the postmodern world that is often considered as being very accepting of all kinds of people, that plus-sized individuals are still marginalized and quite openly discriminated against.

The problem of plus size clothing

One would imagine that an industry like the fashion one, that literally exists to serve people would be willing to accept all of them. However, that is hardly the case. Historically the fashion industry has been accused of suffering from systemic racism, sexism, and even homophobia. From designing clothing that is purposefully offensive to certain groups of people to just ignoring others altogether, the fashion industry really has a lot of skeletons in its closet.

While this nauseating open discrimination has been significantly reduced in the past couple of decades, there is one group of people that still must suffer this injustice, plus-sized individuals.

Even in 2018, the fashion industry refuses to acknowledge just how their ignorance is resulting in millions of people feeling inferior and frustrated. The fact that plus size individuals must spend hours going from store to store just so they can find one decent piece of clothing is frankly quite absurd.

This must be fixed immediately, and there is an Indian plus size clothing online store that is already blowing the winds of change. bigbanana.

bigbanana: The best place for extra plus sized clothes online in India

bigbanana is one of the leading Indian plus sized clothing stores, and the best possible place to get extra plus size men’s clothing online in India. It’s the only clothing store that focuses especially on 2XL to 7XL clothes for plus size Indian men. In the spirit of acceptance that should be tied to the very essence of fashion, bigbanana vehemently believes and proudly says “Big is Awesome!”

bigbanana T-shirts are really re-defining what it means to look cool and once you see their huge catalogue, you will never want to visit any other online or offline store to buy your clothes.

Feel free to check out their website for yourself really experience just how fashionable and trendy can Indian plus size clothing be.